Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Learn To Have The Courage To Speak Your Truth Quietly & Clearly, and Listen To Others.

Unequivocally it's ethically justifiable to have the courage to speak your truth. Ethics are moral principles that govern a person behavior. And Justification is the act of showing something to be right or reasonable. Sometimes some mechanisms are applicable right or wrong with the intentions of the greater good or greater outcome or for achieving overall good.

But when it comes to humanity more care needs to be taken to ensure principles of fairness, equality, tolerance, freedom of expression, more understanding, considerations of individual uniqueness, and differences. Before you make a judgment on someone please consider many things ask questions in most cases directly and use the power of observation.
some people said that the best way to know how someone feels or check someone's character is by proactively making them angry it will show fully who they are. But based on the principles of universal laws of ethics and morality that concept is ethically wrong in justification. when you intentionally keep upsetting a stranger who might be a good person or a bad person to ascertain their nature and to prove a point sooner everyone is pushed to anger. Especially people who don't know how to manage emotions or with low emotional intelligence. Some people are very often over-excited and too much of that is also not very good.
Virtue lies in the middle of everything, integrity is a currency you can use it to buy things. There is strength in being different. Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty. I see a glass that’s twice as big as it needs to be.

Be careful whom you are taking advice from because there is no diplomacy with lies. Apply the triple filter test to tell or speak your truth.

1.Filter for truth - make absolutely sure what you want to hear from someone is the truth!
2.Goodness Filter - Is what you are about to tell me about someone something good?
3. Usefulness Filter - Is what you want to tell me about someone going to be useful to me?

If what you want to discuss is neither true, nor good, nor even useful, why discussing it at all? There is no neutrality in crisis either agree or disagree conscientiously. Loyalty and Honesty are very expensive don't expect it from cheap people, be accountable for your life.!

Images cf: google & facebook background

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Nigeria Youths and Peaceful Protest

Bad leadership and corruption has eaten deep into the minds of African leaders. Corruption is a universal problem, even in the civilized world. Corruption is the worst nightmare that we have ever suffered as citizens for decades in Nigeria and most African nations. Bribery, corruption, power intoxication, dictatorship reigns supreme.
Past elections in my country explain how corrupted our leaders were in my country. Our government is fighting corruption but has the worst record of being corrupt themselves with the shelter of their immunity which, will not cover them forever. 

What a person gives he takes, nobody gives what he has not and cannot offer, he who pays the piper calls the tune.' The children and young people we exploit today due to bad leadership and corrupt practices will retaliate on the society tomorrow. Corruption is a cankerworm that has eaten deep in the lives of African leaders.
A peaceful protest by the youths of Nigerians is their fundamental human right to try to change the narratives. To try to ask for basic amenities, to ensure equal distribution of resources across the entire region. To offer schools children hope, to offer graduates opportunities after their education, to improve the economy, to put an end to decades of corrupt practices by the politicians, to put an end to brutality and oppression against citizens by men in uniform.

It is only when you have the light in you that you can enlighten others. If our corrupt leaders failed to stick to the right principles by doing what they are appointed to do. Then it's about time young people stand up and show them a way forward. And it is also about the time the whole world hears about the marginalization of Nigerians citizens and youths by the corrupt government and their armed forces.

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Friday, October 09, 2020

Quality Education A Great Ally To Manage Your Circumstances

According to Dr. Condoleezza Rice, 'it does not matter where you came from but where you are going, one's status at birth was not a permanent station in life'. 
You might not be able to control your circumstances but you could control your response to your circumstances.

And your greatest ally in controlling your response to circumstances has been a quality education, self- esteem comes from achievement.
Don't measure your effort with others. 'Success isn't how far you have got, but the distance you traveled from where you started'.

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Thursday, October 01, 2020

The Sun Will Rise Again!

Courage is not the absence of fear is noticing the fear, and doing it anyway. Don't be caught up by analysis paralysis, take necessary small actions now because the sun will rise again.
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