Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 - Loneliness

To cope with loneliness and improve your general mental health we need to do things we enjoy that keeps us busy and occupy our mind. Engaging with others and doing some physical activities. Might be worth getting yourself a nice pet like dogs and most importantly subscribing to talking therapies and there are lots of free services available online within your local districts. Be proud of who you are, you may be just be inspiring someone by being you.

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Keys To Happier Living

Start your day with inside out and not outside out. Allow yourself to be happy; tell yourself you deserve to be happy. Like always attitude of gratitude is key to a healthy lifestyle.

Ref: Action For Happiness

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Gratitude turns what we have into enough.

An attitude of gratitude means making it a conscious habit to express thankfulness and appreciation for every part of your life. Having an attitude of gratitude means you operate from a place of abundance, rather than scarcity. 

A young boy from this news link demonstrated how the attitude of gratefulness and passion for what you love can also produce a ripple effect of kindness in return.

Sometimes worry does not change anything, rather a good attitude and proactive decisions can help salvage one from the unknown.

When you think about what impact you can make on others, the universe will also find a way to reward you unprecedentedly.

Being grateful will make you appreciate everything, and express gratitude every day. It will also make you Surround yourself with a gratitude mindset focused on people. It will make you take ownership of your present and also make you commit to a gratitude practice on a daily basis
