Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Corruption from web meaning is lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery); use of a position of trust for dishonest gain. In Africa corruption has eaten deep in the minds of africans especially the leaders. corruption is a universal problem, even in the civilized world like the west. But in africa the practice is the order of the day.

Here in my country corruption is the worst nightmare that we have ever suffered as citizens for decades. Bribery, corruption, power intoxication, dictatorship reigns supreme here in africa. despite that poverty is every where here.

The recent election in my country explains how corrupted our leaders were, in my country our governmnent is fighting corruption but has the worst record of being corrupt themselves with the shelter of their immunity which will not cover them forever. How can the government be fighting examination malpractice when they massively rig and manipulate election in the very presence of these school children. Here in my country virtually all children knows what it takes to rig election, to do malpractise in school and other unethical things. This is as a result of bad leadership. I always said that 'what a person gives he takes, nobody gives what he has not and cannot offer, he who pays the piper calls the tune.' (The children we abused today due to our evil leadership and corrupt practices will have revenge on the society tommorrow.) Corruption is a cankerworm that has eaten deep in our lifes which we inherited from our corrupt leaders, both inside our families and the government


Dimas said...

, Bravo Steve! I think so but Keep Care, perhaps you could have several problems.
Sincerely yours


Steve said...

Thankyou biby cletus foryourmessage u have a nice blog too

Recursos para tu blog - Ferip - said...

" Corruption is a cankerworm that has eaten deep in our lifes "... In my country is the same history....
But, we must be a little part of the change.
I work each day for my chidrens.. Do you like the sea horses???

A nice week!