Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Humble & Innocent Dove

What does it take to make a wrong right, simply been humble and modest. humility is according to wikipedia is " derived from the Latin word "humilis", which is translated not only as humble but also alternatively as "low", or "from the earth", and "humus", humid, which in the past it was believed that emotions, diseases, depressions, where causes by imbalances of body waters. Because the concept of humility addresses intrinsic self-worth, it is emphasized in the realm of religious practice and ethics where the notion is often made more precise and extensive. Humility as a religious or spiritual virtue is different from the act of humiliation or shaming though the former may follow as a consequence of the latter." It is worth been humble and honest respectively.


Telefono Azul said...

Hi Stephen!
Que bueno que hablas sobre la gran diferencia entre lo que significa ser humilde y humillarse.
La gente se confunde y cuando ven que alguien es humilde y sencillo no lo pueden entender.
Stephen Hi!
How nice that you talk about the vast difference between what it means to be humble and humiliate.
People are confused and when they see someone who is humble and simple can not understand.

RosaMarĂ­a said...

Un post valiente y real, muy bueno. La foto es preciosa Felicidades