When you examine the concept of modesty and pride further, you can agree with me that there is nothing wrong in one being modest or pride. What matters are the circumstance and situations when it applies. Modesty is a great virtue and modest people are very likeable. Pride is also a good thing because is something intrinsic in human being.Some element of pride will push you to act accordingly.
In Psychology there is the concept of individual differences which means that every individual is unique in nature.One need to build and develop high level of emotional intelligence in other to deal with difference personalities.
The best way in my own opinion about analyzing modesty and pride is to be consistent in one's natural abilities, skills and personalities.Modesty is a very good virtue but one should not let it make you shy away from showing up where your talents skills set are needed. Don't let modesty deprive you from your worth, never allowed modesty makes people to take your considerate personality for granted, don't let modesty makes you remain stagnant.
You Can be anything you choose to be when you deserve and work hard to achieve it. Don't let modesty deprive you from celebrating your success and hard work in a very sensible way. Being too proud and arrogant is a great turn off and dislikeable atitude. Always showing yourself and not giving other people chance to speak and contribute is not very encouraging.
Pride can cost someone alot of fortune so does modesty. Having the ability to balance both judiciously is the key to success. According to M.Angelou ' when someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.'Also she opined that ' people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'Be your own individual and do what works for you. You can be an introvert yet very arrogant and proud. You can be extroverted yet very humble and modest. You can also be an introvert and very modest and extroverted and very proud. Modesty and pride has nothing to do with individual natural uniqueness, they have everything to do with one's upbringing, enviroment, peer influence, ethics, morality and education. Nobility springs from the soul not by blood.
How someone feels inside of them is a direct reflection of how they treat other people. Also the treatment you accept from others is a direct reflection of how much you think you are worth from the inside. Both modesty and pride can be applicable for greater good,you can be modest but also confident.
Muy cierto y claro, concuerdo contigo en todo lo expuesto. Un abrazo
@Rosamaria gracias saludos
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