Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Personal Development Bridges The Gap

Dunning Kruger effect is a concept that makes people overestimate their knowledge or ability, especially in areas they have little to no experience. When people feel they have no specialized skills they tend to overestimate their skills, 

and it makes them also unable to recognize these skills from others too.

'The very knowledge and skills necessary to be good at a task are the same qualities that a person needs to recognize that they are not good at that task. So if a person lacks those abilities, they remain not only bad at that task but ignorant to their inability'.

Despite the fact we all have a natural endowment in different specialization, the best way to succeed in dealing with underestimating or overestimating our abilities in a particular unfamiliar task is through continuous learning and personal development, liaise with experts in the field, challenging your knowledge, ask for feedback and never be afraid of asking for help and showing up.

Ref: verywellmind


Elephant's Child said...

I don't think I over estimate my abilities. I suffer from a woeful lack of self confidence. Which causes problems of its own.
However I am open to learning - while appalled at just how much there is that I have to learn - if that makes sense.

Steve said...

@Elephant's Child you are very right we shouldn't overestimate or afraid of how much we can do through continuous learning. Thank you for visiting.

Nancy Chan said...

Interesting facts. I used to suffer from under estimation of myself.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Steve - thanks for visiting my #WATWB recent post ... I would hope that the Dunning-Kruger effect doesn't apply to us ... but could so easily apply to many. I like to think I'm aware of what's going on ... and treat everyone fairly and with respect. Take care - Hilary

Steve said...

@Hilary Melton-Butcher thank you too for visiting my blog. yes, you have a great point I believe self-awareness and respect for ourselves and others are very important.

Steve said...

@Nancy Chan thanks great you overcome through continuous learning and improvement.

RosaMaría said...

Si, gran verdad. Se puede agregar que en cualquier área en que uno se especialice nunca se termina de aprender todo. Otra es que si amas esa profesión seguramente siempre estés estudiando, progresando, preguntando y experimentando para conseguir ser mejor en ello. Un gran abrazo. Deseo que estés bien junto a los tuyos.

Steve said...

@RosaMaria you are right thanks for visiting saludos!

Himawan Sant said...

Interesting analysis and it is experienced by many people.
As people, we shouldn't feel less confident but also don't feel the smartest.

Have a nice day, Steve.

Steve said...

@Himawan Sant you beautifully stated it thank you

RosaMaría said...

Sin duda que es así. Comparto tu punto de vista. Feliz Pascua y mi deseo de que estés bien. Beso Gracias por venir