Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 - Loneliness

To cope with loneliness and improve your general mental health we need to do things we enjoy that keeps us busy and occupy our mind. Engaging with others and doing some physical activities. Might be worth getting yourself a nice pet like dogs and most importantly subscribing to talking therapies and there are lots of free services available online within your local districts. Be proud of who you are, you may be just be inspiring someone by being you.


Margaret D said...

It's correct what is written.

Steve said...

Thank you MD

Lowcarb team member said...

Good words here ...

All the best Jan

Steve said...

Thanks Jan

Nancy Chan said...

Well said. Have a great weekend.

Steve said...

Thanks NC

Alexander Strauffon said...

Loneliness: because not only high blood pressure can be a silent killer.

Steve said...

Thank you ALex

Recomenzar said...

Me encantas tus escritos Tus espacios
Lo que cuentas
tus abrazos

Steve said...

Thank you Recomenzar

Mucha said...

I like your blog and I love London one of the most wonderful cities in the world

Steve said...

Thank you @Mucha for visitng London is a great city and @RosaMaria thank you also for visiting i have been temporary off from blogging for sometime now.

RosaMaría said...

Querido Steve: Un abrazo grandote en momentos tristes, que no solo estamos para los buenos. Que estés bien.

Steve said...

Muchas Gracias RosaMaria

Recomenzar said...

Tu eres Divino!!!

Recomenzar said...

y guapo también

Recomenzar said...

I prefer loneliness to living empty of myself. Having an animal does not replace anything. It's money, work. That's why I don't have animals. I use my time if I'm sad, to write, Thank you
Hugs and kisses for you

Steve said...

Thank you for visiting

Recomenzar said...

Nunca he sentido soledad Me gusta estar sola