In Many Countries and nations especially in Europe and America abortion is practiced freely and is legal. The act is violation of the very essence of human being. it is extermination of precious life. who knows how many lifes God has sent to this world to redeem us and they did not come to life because of abortion. In Poland Abortion is like a crime it is not even mention there is a baby boom in Poland and there population is increasing everyday. In Africa although some practise it but is rare in Nigeria it is not allowed but some secretly does that.
Human life is Sacrosanct and should not be violated by another person let us appreciate the life God gave us and stop the wicked act of aborting innocent lifes of babies in the womb, crying of the Billions of this babies will be disturbing God, and the earlier it is stoped better for us and we avoid the wrath of God.
Stephen, Happy New Year my friend. Hope you remain well and happy. Be prepared for some to object to the images in your posts - I guess they're missing the point entirely when some suggest these are too graphic to display. Yes, they are difficult to see but they need to be seen in order to bring to the fore the awful truth that so many ignore - abortion kills innocent human beings in a barbaric way. God love you and keep you. John
My God!!!!
Dios está aquí?
Your song is saying....God is here! Like the air...
But...look at this pictures...
Gor isnt there!!!!!!!!
Kisses! Are you in Polonia???
Dear Steven:
infact the picture is strong.... but necesary.
A hug!!!! Happy Year too!
Tu post es un alegato valiente al que me uno. Un gusto haber pasado por aquí. Un abrazo
Hi! Steve I agree withh you post. The picture is hard but necessary.The man the man have become a predator for the man .In Spain there is an abort every five minuttes which results in 266 deaths by abortion each day in Spain, making it the leading cause of mortality in Spain
¿que tal va todo amigo?
Hello Stephen. I agree with your post. Abortion is the most illogical act of the humanity. Like Dimas told us a quote of Hobbes (I think so).
In Mexico the abortion is illegal exception at the district of th Capital City called Federal District. The most incredible is that the health association of Mexico goverment (is called IMSS), is a very bad system to give "health services" and incredible the directord of public health system refused the allowance of abortion.
This topic in Mexico is just to provoke fight between political groups because the president (enter 13 months ago) is very conservative catholic, good catholic men that make public declarations opposed to abort.
I hope you are fine.
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